Thursday, February 3, 2011


  1. What blog could you use to find a good place to eat in Tempe?
  2. What blog could you use to learn about how to invest in the stock market?
  3. What blog could you use to learn about social media tools?
  4. What blog could you use to learn about new video games?
  5. What blog could you use to read movie reviews?
  6. What blog would you use if you wanted to learn about where your favorite band/musician was playing? -
  7. What kind of information is found on the following blogs:
    • Boy Genius Report-New Electronics
    • Gadling-Travel information
    • Tnooz-analysis and commentary on technology, marketing, social media and distribution to the global
    • Off Wing Opinion-Sports Economist
    • Rotton Tomato- movie reviews
  8. What is the difference betwe-en a blog and a micro-blog? micro is not traditional its alot smaller and contains less information
  9. Is Wordpress a blog or a micro-blog?MIcro is much smaller..maybe lacks vidoe or storage space...
  10. What is an "Enterprise Micro-blog"?-for co workers to stay in touvh with eachother..
  11. Name one enterprise micro-blogging service.-Hashwork
  12. Out of all the blog sites you visited, which one was your favorite? Please explain why? it has the most useful information because I like to eat out alot...

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